ERFC NGO serves as a bridge partner between GREENLAND and CIRCLECON, two European Neighborhood projects, that both aim at increasing the capacity of all Stakeholders concerned, for the application of Circular Economy in the South East EU neighborhood, namely Black Sea area and All MED.
The aim of their collaboration is to enhance the overall results and impact of Circular Economy.
- GREENLAND: GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development, is part of the ENI CBC Med Programme. Its purpose is to increase employability of NEETs (young people not in education, employment or training) and women by providing them with marketable skills so as to prepare, for skill-based jobs within Green and Circular Economy sectors, while also reducing the gap between jobs needed and offered in rural areas affected by the climate change. The participating countries of the project are Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Portugal and Greece.
- CIRCLECON: Knowing Circular Economy in Black Sea Basin, is part of the EU Black Sea CBC Programme and its aim is to promote the EU Circular Economy model, alert on waste prevention, reduction &management as well as establish a permanent BSB cooperation structure as European Grouping for Territorial Co-operation. CIRCLECON partners are Black Sea basin countries and more specifically, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Turkey and Ukraine.
The above strategic co-operation is expected to drive the 2 macro-regions (Black Sea and All MED area) into a new era of circular economy implementation.