The next stop during our visit to Drama with the Vice President of the European Association of Journalists, Mr. Spiros Latsas was the Agricultural Cooperative of Drama for the Potato, the local trademark of the region of Drama. We have spoken about a huge investment with bioclimatic design and the horizon to the holistic future based on the green transition to universal model business.
There we have met the President of the Agro Coop of Drama, Mr. Yiannis Keskinoglou and he shared with us his vision, a large processing and processing plant for potatoes, where from 2025 the first shareholders will enter the cluster of the cooperative. 55% from the Recovery Fund has already been financed by EAS , while the total budget of the project amounts to 7 million euros. A project that is expected to set a new era of development and extroversion regarding the cooperative organization, because the first energy community of Greece is making its appearance. So when both the EAS, as well as schools, hospitals and other self-governing bodies are autonomous in terms of energy, society itself enjoys the benefits on a collective level. Social perception is changing and with the green transition as a vehicle, we are moving into the new era of using green hydrogen. The vision of the president of the Drama Agricultural Cooperative is a vertically integrated Chips processing and production unit, where it will be energetically self-sufficient and will be able to invest targetedly in exports and participation in business missions abroad.
ERFC has already signed with Agro Coop of Drama a letter of interest in order all the SMEs to be informed for all the green funding opportunities from the EU Green FUND and the new European green legislations.