ERFC (European Regional Framework for Co-operation) acting as Contracting Authority announces an open competition call for the selection of an external contractor for the implementation of the following services “Scientific expertise on analysis, mapping and definition of innovation cluster model and organization of practical workshop aimed to demonstrate project outcomes of the project SMART INNO: Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster to increase RDI Competitiveness of SMEs in the Adriatic”
Purpose of this call:
The purpose of this notice is the outsourcing of services to external entities (individuals or corporations or partnerships) in order to carry out analysis, mapping and definition of innovation cluster model and organization of practical workshop aimed to demonstrate project outcomes of the project SMART INNO: Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster to increase RDI Competitiveness of SMEs in the Adriatic for the project SMART INNO: Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster to increase RDI Competitiveness of SMEs in the Adriatic”- ADRIATIC IPA CROSSBORDER COOPERATION 2007-2013 for the period from the contract signature till the project to completion (31/3/2016)
The specific project budget is Euro 62.730,00 including VAT. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and by National Funds 15%.
The competition will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014, at 14:00 by the relevant committee at the headquarters of ERFC (Platonos 33, 25100 Aegion, Tel: +30-26910-60.427 fax: 26910-62.904 / e -mail:, with the award criterion of the most economically advantageous tender. In the competition may participate natural or legal persons or partnerships or consortia of domestic or foreign origin. The bids of the participants should be sent to the headquarters of the organization ERFC (Platonos 33, 25100 Aegion, Tel: +30-26910-60.427 fax: 26910-62.904 / e-mail:, until Wednesday April 30, 2014, 16:00 and can be submitted both in Greek and in English language (the official language of the Program).
ERFC shall be entitled to the cancellation or postponement of the competition at any stage, without bearing liability of damages for its participants. The costs of publication of this notice and other expenses borne by the contract will be born by the successful contractor. There are no guarantees for participation in this competition. The time validity of the offer should be three (3) months from the day following the deadline of its submission. Variants are not acceptable. Payments to the Contractor will be described in his contract at the stage of contract signature.
More details and information are given in 693-66.56.204 e-mail: /, responsible person Mr. Nicholas Petropoulos (Platonos 33, 25100 Aegio). Right to participate in the competition have only the recipients of this notice.
The detailed tender documents can be seen in the link below