Circle the Med
18-22 October 2021
ERFC participated in the 2nd day of the event. The forum focused on 3 pillars of circularity, namely Green economy, Blue economy and Digital transformation. The Participation of ministers, members of the parliament, EC policy officers and the private sector was really active. At the same time, there was a strong support from the Greek and Egyptian governments towards the goals of circularity and regional cooperation in the framework of international law.
It is concluded that we are in an energy transition period; we need to secure access to clean and affordable energy to all citizens. Energy storage and electrical networks and interconnections mainly, will play a critical role in this transition.
Key minerals are needed for batteries imported to EC, so there is an urgent need for recycling/recovering, in order to secure affordable raw materials for the development of the energy sector.
ERFC supports the proposal for a Mediterranean strategy for circular economy.