It was a very beautiful experience, and I recommend it wholeheartedly to all young people of my generation to participate in such educational programs, like IVY. Project Management is a field with multifaceted activities. You acquire incredible skills and knowledge, and you meet internationally renowned personalities who inspire you.
I learned how the mechanism of the EU works and what cross-border cooperation entails. It’s not just about exchanging knowledge and experiences, but about authentic collaboration through cultural and intellectual exchange. Working in an international professional environment opens up your horizons and turnes you into an active citizen with a cosmopolitan character.
Cross-border cooperation made me realise the importance of a collaborative culture and its contribution to improving the quality of life of European citizens. The knowledge I gained during my internship on the values of the Circular Economy through BSB CIRCLECON provided me with the tools for a more responsible ecological lifestyle. Furthermore, the practical experience I gained in my professional environment regarding smart recycling will be applied in my daily life, and I will also pass on this valuable knowledge to those around me.
With the end of my internship, I feel more complete to move on to the next professional cycle with confidence, knowledge, and a smile. I look forward to the next experience!