The best way for the begging of 2023 for our Interreg FAME Road project is the 12 page article in the most famous greek newspaper
The article is mainly focused on the aim of the project and how Aigialeia, the fourth partner of the project, took the advantage of this Interreg V-A Greece-Italy project to promote all the traditional products, local art, special interest sites and routes and encourage the local stakeholders to evolve into the design of the FAME model.
Furthermore, through this article everyone can understand the importance of the cross border activities that took place during the previous period in the Municipality of Aigialeia, Comune di Gravina in Puglia and Comune di Grottaglie.
The article by the journalist Sissy Nika is promoting the importance of the FAME Road project in both countries and encourage other Municipalities to sign the Memorandum and become members of the FAME Road cities.